Purpose and Scope, Basis, Definitions
Purpose and scope
ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to determine the procedures and principles to be followed in the recognition and equivalence procedures of associate, undergraduate and graduate diplomas obtained from higher education institutions abroad.
ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Regulation, Article 7 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4/11/1981 and the Convention on the Recognition of Documents Related to Higher Education in the European Region dated 11/4/1997, which was approved by the Law No. 5463 dated 23/2/2006 and the Law No. 6165 dated 23/2/2011 dated 16/1/2009 and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Universities established in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus It has been prepared on the basis of the provisions of the International Agreement on Mutual Recognition.
Definitions and abbreviations
ARTICLE 3 – (1) In this Regulation;
a) Open education: The type of education carried out in higher education institutions, except for face-to-face and distance education, without being based on mutual communication and interaction of students and instructors regardless of location,
b) Accreditation bodies: International quality assurance institutions to which the Council of Higher Education has granted or accepted the registration authority,
c) ECTS: European Credit Transfer System (ECTS),
ç) Science Field Advisory Commission: A commission consisting of faculty members who are experts in their fields working within various universities, established in order to obtain opinions when necessary regarding various graduation fields during the examination of recognition and equivalence applications, whose working procedures and principles are determined in their own directives,
d) Equivalence: Determination of the equivalence of associate, undergraduate and graduate diplomas obtained from foreign higher education institutions and programs recognized by the Council of Higher Education to associate, undergraduate and graduate diplomas issued by higher education institutions in Turkey in terms of achievements at the relevant level of education,
e) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) Equivalency certificate: A document showing which field and level the diploma/graduation certificate obtained from a foreign higher education institution recognized by the Council of Higher Education is equivalent to in the Turkish higher education system,
f) External education: Education and training that is obliged to attend only mid-term and final exams without the obligation to attend,
g) Scientific determination: Within the scope of the placement exam decision taken during the equivalence procedures, the exam that includes the oral and, when necessary, written and practical application stages and is equivalent to the written placement exam, which is carried out by the commissions formed by the higher education institutions,
ğ) Commission: The Recognition and Equivalence Commission, chaired by one of the members of the Executive Board appointed by the President of the Council of Higher Education, consisting of at least three members of the General Assembly and, when necessary, faculty members with the title of associate professor or professor appointed from universities,
h) Board: The General Assembly of Higher Education,
ı) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) Certificate of recognition: A document showing whether a higher education institution abroad and the relevant program of this institution are recognized by the Council of Higher Education, but does not qualify as a diploma or graduation equivalency certificate,
i) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) OSYM: Measurement, Selection and Placement Center
j) Level and Proficiency Determination System (SYBS): When deficiencies are detected and/or hesitation occurs in terms of the basic achievements related to the graduated program, the language of education, the nature of the program, theoretical and applied courses, internships and projects, the achievements are achieved by using one, more or all of the applications such as course completion, internship completion, project making or subjecting to exams according to the nature of the program in question. the set of procedures for measuring, evaluating, and determining the level of measurement,
k) Recognition: Acceptance by the Council of Higher Education that a foreign higher education institution and the relevant program of this institution are authorized to award academic degrees,
l) Department of Recognition and Equivalence Services: The service unit that carries out recognition and equivalence procedures within the Council of Higher Education,
m) Distance education: Education and training in which educational activities in higher education institutions are planned and implemented based on information and communication technologies, and the courses are carried out simultaneously by the instructor without the obligation to be in the same place, based on the interaction between the student and the instructor and the students themselves,
n) (Repealed: OG-15/3/2024-32490)
o) Higher education: At least four semesters based on secondary education within the national education system for all of the education and training at all levels.
Recognition and Equivalence Procedures
Application procedure and documents to be sought
ARTICLE 4 – (1) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) The application for equivalence is made in person or by the person who has a power of attorney issued by the competent authorities, within the framework of the methods, procedures and principles to be determined by the Council of Higher Education, with the following documents:
a) Application form.
b) For citizens of the Republic of Türkiye, Copy of identity card with T.C. identification number, photocopy of identity document issued by their country of nationality for foreign nationals.
c) The original of the diploma or graduation certificate for which recognition or equivalence is requested, and a copy certified by the Foreign Representatives of the Republic of Türkiye or the notaries of the Republic of Türkiye and its certified Turkish translation.
ç) The original of the official transcript showing the grades and course hours of all courses taken during the higher education period, the original diploma supplement for diplomas obtained from European Union member countries, and a copy and certified Turkish translation certified by the Foreign Representatives of the Republic of Türkiye or the notaries of the Republic of Türkiye, explaining this situation and the authorized person of the relevant higher education institution or the relevant country. document that they will obtain from their authority.
d) If there are courses transferred to the graduated higher education institution from another higher education institution, the original official transcript showing these courses and a copy certified by the Foreign Representatives of the Republic of Türkiye or the notaries of the Republic of Türkiye and its approved Turkish translation.
e) In cases determined by the Council of Higher Education in the procedures and principles, the original of the diploma or graduation certificate obtained in relation to the previous education or this diploma or graduation certificate; A copy certified by the institution from which it was obtained, the Foreign Representatives of the Republic of Türkiye or the notaries of the Republic of Türkiye.
f) Entry-exit document obtained from the provincial police directorate, with a legible copy of the originals or entry-exit dates of the passports used during higher education from the applicants of the Republic of Türkiye, approved by the notaries of the Republic of Türkiye or the Foreign Representatives of the Republic of Türkiye, showing the originals or entry-exit dates of the passports used during higher education; A document showing that applicants with dual nationality live in the country where they studied during their education.
g) Applicants who are citizens of the Republic of Türkiye and have graduated from higher education programs abroad that accept students through the Student Selection and Placement System exams and who have graduated from higher education institutions in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, those who have completed their secondary education in Türkiye within the framework of the International Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Universities Established in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Documents showing that they meet the score requirements of the Student Selection and Placement System exams in the year they start, or documents of the exam results determined by the Council of Higher Education to be equivalent to these exams.
ğ) (Amended: OG-20/10/2023-32345) Score/document determined by the Board from the exams accepted by the Council of Higher Education in the language of the program studied.
h) In master's degree (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) equivalency applications, two copies of the master's thesis, one in print and one in electronic form, and a copy of the thesis cover and thesis abstract part certified by the Foreign Representatives of the Republic of Türkiye or notaries of the Republic of Türkiye and its certified Turkish translation.
ı) Statement of foreign nationals showing the reason for applying for an equivalency certificate for associate degree, bachelor's degree or master's degree (Repealed phrase: OG-15/3/2024- 32490).
i) In addition to the documents required within the scope of this Regulation, other documents that may be requested are determined by the Council of Higher Education.
j) (Annexed: OG-15/3/2024-32490) Those who have completed their secondary education in Türkiye; In the applications for equivalence to the programs that require a success ranking in Türkiye, the exam result document showing that they have met the success ranking requirement of the relevant program in the central placement exam held by OSYM in the year of enrollment in the higher education institution abroad.
(2) Those who apply for recognition or equivalence are given a document containing the date and number of receipt of the application.
(3) Those who are found to be deficient in the documents sought in the application and the relevant persons from whom additional documents are requested as a result of the examination of the files are given a period determined by the Board according to the type of document requested for the completion of the documents. If necessary, additional time may be granted at the request of the persons concerned. If these documents are not completed within the given time, the application will be returned.
(4) (Annexed: OG-20/10/2023-32345) The document required by subparagraph (ğ) of the first paragraph is not required from those who graduated from universities that are in the top four hundred in at least three of the ranking institutions taken as a basis by the Council of Higher Education in the year in which higher education started.
Recognition of higher education institutions and programs
ARTICLE 5 – (1) One of the following conditions is required for the recognition of a higher education institution:
a) The higher education institution that issued the diploma has been accepted by the competent authorities of the country in which it operates, as an institution authorized to grant academic degrees within its own higher education system,
b) Institutions operating in another country under the higher education institution of one country are recognized by the country of origin and the country in which they operate,
c) Türkiye is a higher education institution operating under the umbrella of international organizations of which it is a member.
(2) The following issues shall be taken into account for the recognition of a foreign higher education institution that does not meet any of the conditions in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of the first paragraph:
a) The structures of faculties, programs, departments and disciplines provide the basic principles found in the Turkish higher education system.
b) There are at least three faculties and one graduate school.
c) The programs meet the academic staff qualifications of equivalent programs in Türkiye.
ç) The duration of the education of the programs is in the form of formal or distance education and the ECTS equivalents are compatible with similar programs in Türkiye.
d) Availability of open mechanisms through which information about institutions and programs can be accessed.
e) Complete and understandable accreditation and quality assurance processes.
f) To have graduated for at least one semester.
(3) Although it satisfies the conditions in the first paragraph, any of the following situations
In the event that the relevant higher education institution or program is not recognized by the decision of the Board and the documents obtained from these institutions are not evaluated in terms of equivalence:
a) The connection of the relevant higher education institution or program with organizations recognized as terrorist organizations by the Republic of Türkiye has been determined within the framework of the additional article 31 of the Law No. 2547,
b) The education provided is below the standards acceptable in Türkiye or does not meet the accepted qualifications for the graduates of the relevant program, and the compensation with SYBS requires more than 50% of the minimum education period and credits in the relevant program in Türkiye in terms of duration and credits,
c) It has been determined that the relevant higher education institution has issued false or untrue documents.
Examination of equivalency certificate applications (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490)
ARTICLE 6 – (1) Applications of those who have graduated from a higher education institution and program recognized in accordance with Article 5 and whose documents are complete are examined in terms of the following issues:
a) The originality of the documents, their authenticity, whether there are scrapings, erasures and similar falsifications on them, whether the documents belong to the applicant, whether the person stays in the relevant country, passport information and the suitability of the entry-exit transcripts (Additional phrase: OG- 20/10/2023-32345) and the language of education of the program in which the candidate is studying,
b) (Repealed: OG-15/3/2024-32490)
c) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) In the application for equivalence certificate, whether the higher education program based on the diploma/graduation certificate for which equivalence is requested (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) is equivalent to the programs and degrees in the Turkish higher education system in terms of minimum duration, credits and achievements,
ç) In cases where the same or similar diploma program applied for equivalence is not available in the Turkish higher education system, the equivalence of the diploma/graduation certificate in the Turkish higher education system in terms of associate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, provided that the other conditions specified in this Regulation are met (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490),
d) In cases that require the use of a title, whether it is the same as the title earned in accordance with subparagraph (b) of the first paragraph of Article 43 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
(2) A preliminary examination report is prepared and submitted to the Commission after all documents submitted by the person are examined by the Department of Recognition and Equivalence Services within the scope of the first paragraph and, if necessary, opinions are obtained from the Scientific Field Advisory Commission and/or universities.
(3) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) Document confirmation, additional information and documents (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) are requested from the applicant himself, the relevant higher education institution or the competent authorities of the relevant country regarding whether the diplomas and other documents for which equivalence application is made are genuine, the type, quality and level of the education program.
Procedures to be taken as a result of the examination of equivalence certificate applications (Amended title: OG-15/3/2024-32490)
ARTICLE 7 – (1) In case of hesitation in the nature of the education and training of the graduated institution, without prejudice to the right of the Higher Education Council, the equivalence process regarding the equivalence certificate applications determined within the scope of Articles 5 and 6 (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) in the following cases (Additional phrase: OG-15/3/2024-32490) provided that the provisions of the fifth paragraph are reserved.It is done without applying SYBS:
a) In case of an equivalent equivalent in the Turkish higher education system, the first four in at least three of the world university rankings (Amended: RG-15/3/2024-32490) made by the ranking institutions determined by the Council of Higher Education in the year of starting higher education
Diplomas obtained from higher education institutions in the hundredth percentile,
b) (Repealed: OG-15/3/2024-32490)
c) The diplomas of those who are placed in higher education programs abroad in the Student Selection and Placement System Guide or those who enrolled in the same program of the relevant higher education institution in the same year by taking the score obtained by the last student placed in these programs,
ç) The diplomas of those who have completed at least 70% of their education in these higher education institutions by transferring to the higher education institutions specified in subparagraph (a) of this article (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490),
d) Diplomas of those who have met the minimum requirements required by OSYM for transition to higher education in the first academic year they started their higher education and who have completed at least 70% of their education in these higher education institutions by transferring to the higher education institutions specified in subparagraph (c).
(2) Diplomas obtained from programs other than the higher education institutions and programs specified in the first paragraph, whose eligibility has been determined within the scope of Articles 5 and 6; If the adequacy of the basic achievements, theoretical and applied courses, internships and projects according to the equivalent program in the Turkish higher education system is accepted by the Commission directly or by taking into account the opinions of the Science Field Advisory Commission and/or higher education institutions, equivalence is carried out without applying SYBS.
(3) (Amended: OG-30/7/2019-30847) Although the suitability is determined within the scope of Articles 5 and 6, the inadequacy of the graduated program in terms of basic achievements, language and quality of education, theoretical and applied courses, internships and projects compared to the equivalent program in the Turkish higher education system, except for those specified in the first and second paragraphs, is determined by the Commission directly or by the Science Field Advisory Commission and/or the opinions of higher education institutions. In case of understanding, one or more of the SYBS procedures, the procedures and principles of which are determined by the Council of Higher Education, are kept in place by taking the opinion of the Ministry of Health regarding the application of health programs in the examination procedures.
(4) If the graduated program is not the same or similar in the Turkish higher education system in terms of field and degree, if the other conditions specified in this Regulation are met, equivalence is carried out in the associate, bachelor's, master's with thesis or non-thesis master's degree, which is determined to be equivalent to the Turkish higher education system in the field specified in the diploma.
(5) Applicants who have graduated from countries that are parties to the Convention on the Recognition of Documents Related to Higher Education in the European Region, other than the fields that allow the practice of profession listed below, are subject to SYBS procedures if they meet the other conditions specified in this Regulation and the equivalent of the relevant program and degree in Türkiye and meet the minimum education period and minimum credits required in the relevant program and degree in our country. Equivalence can be granted without being held. The procedures and principles regarding this are determined by the Board. (Amended sentence: OG-15/3/2024-32490) In the evaluation of the equivalence applications of diplomas obtained from medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and law programs that are required to rank success in Türkiye, graduates of universities that are in the top thousand in at least two of the world university rankings made by the ranking institutions determined by the Council of Higher Education in the year of starting higher education Equivalence applications are accepted and individual examinations are made, and as a result of the examination, decisions that require SYBS procedures can be made, taking into account issues such as the courses, practices and projects they have taken.
(6) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) Equivalence applications are rejected in the following cases:
a) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) Applications for equivalence of diplomas/graduation certificates obtained at the end of education in higher education institutions that are not recognized by the Council of Higher Education are rejected. However, from a higher education institution that is not recognized by the Council of Higher Education to another recognized higher education institution
The diplomas/graduation certificates of those who have completed their education by passing are subject to examination if they have received at least 70% of their education from a recognized higher education institution.
b) The equivalence applications of the relevant persons regarding the diplomas they receive at the end of an education process that does not require attendance, such as open education and external education, which are outside the scope of distance education, are rejected by stating the reason. (Repealed: OG-15/3/2024- 32490)
c) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) If the higher education program, which forms the basis of the diploma/graduation certificate for which equivalence is requested, is not considered equivalent to the relevant programs in the Turkish higher education system in terms of education program/field and degree, the application request is rejected.
ç) (Amended: OG-9/4/2021-31449) In order to be granted equivalence to students who have completed their secondary education in Türkiye and graduated from a diploma program abroad in which the language of instruction is Turkish, they must take the central placement exam in the year they start their education and meet the required success ranking requirement. Those who do not meet this requirement will not be recognized for their diplomas.
d) As a result of the examination of the passport(s) used during the education period and the entry-exit transcript obtained from the provincial police directorate (Repealed phrase: OG-14/4/2020-31099) (...) the applications of those who are found to be deficient in the period of stay in the country of study are rejected. In determining the duration of education attendance, the relevant higher education legislation in Türkiye is taken as basis. (Additional sentences: OG-14/4/2020-31099) (Amended third and fourth sentences: OG-12/8/2023-32277) This period cannot be less than 70% for each education and training period, and the periods other than education and training activities are not included in the calculation. For those who have completed their associate degree education in Türkiye and have completed their undergraduate education abroad by counting the associate degree courses, the Science Field Advisory Commission examines the achievements in the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF) and the relevant legislation and program achievements of the relevant program in Türkiye.[1]
e) Applications for intermediate degrees that are not equivalent to associate, undergraduate or graduate education, although they are obtained from a recognized higher education institution, generally include vocational education and do not allow the transition to a higher education in the country where they were taken, or do not correspond to academic degrees in Türkiye, are rejected.
f) (Annex: OG-20/10/2023-32345) If the foreign language certificate to be submitted within the scope of subparagraph (ğ) of the first paragraph of Article 4 is not submitted within the time limit or if the submitted document does not meet the success requirements, the application is rejected. If there is no exam previously accepted by the Council of Higher Education in the language of the program studied, the Council of Higher Education determines which exams will be accepted and what the success score will be.
g) (Annex: OG-15/3/2024-32490) Diploma equivalency applications made to medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and law programs in Türkiye, which are required to be ranked in success, are rejected by those who graduated from a foreign higher education institution that is not in the top thousand in the ranking institutions determined by the Higher Education Council in the year they enrolled in a foreign higher education institution.
ğ) (Annex: OG-15/3/2024-32490) Those who have completed their secondary education in Türkiye; In applications for equivalence to programs that require a success ranking in Türkiye, applications that do not meet the minimum success ranking requirement in the score type of the program for which equivalence is applied are rejected in the central placement exam held by OSYM in the year they enrolled in a foreign higher education institution.
(7) The preliminary examination report prepared by the Department of Recognition and Equivalence is referred to the Commission. The final report prepared as a result of the examination made by the Commission is decided by the Higher Education Executive Board.
Application for equivalence with graduation certificate
ARTICLE 8 – (1) If the application is made with a "graduation certificate" for diplomas for which an equivalence decision has been made, the "graduation equivalency certificate", which replaces the diploma equivalency certificate; If the original diploma is submitted, a "diploma equivalency certificate" is issued.
Provisions regarding the actions to be taken in the process of examining various fields
ARTICLE 9 – (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490)
(1) In the evaluation of equivalence applications for diplomas/graduation certificates obtained in fields whose professional practice is regulated by law, the provisions of the legislation related to the profession in question and the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education are reserved.
(2) In the equivalence procedures of diplomas/graduation certificates obtained from associate, undergraduate and graduate programs in the fields of foreign language and literature, teaching of these languages, philology and translation and interpreting of higher education institutions abroad, except for those in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Board will determine the national or international foreign language exams accepted by the Council of Higher Education in the language of the graduated program It is required to get the score. This score is not required from graduates of higher education institutions that are in the top four hundred in at least three of the world university rankings made by the ranking institutions based on the Council of Higher Education in the year of the start of higher education.
(3) Diplomas/graduation certificates obtained from Turkish-related programs such as Turkish Language and Literature, Turkish Language and Literature Teaching, Turkish Language Teaching, Modern Turkish Dialects and Literatures of higher education institutions abroad, except for those in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, in case of success in the exam held in equivalent fields determined by the Council of Higher Education, diploma/graduation equivalency certificate Regulated.
Distance education recognition and equivalency procedures
ARTICLE 10 – (1) In the recognition and equivalence procedures of diplomas obtained from distance education programs, the following issues are taken into account in addition to the examination principles applicable to formal education:
a) Except for distance education programs in higher education institutions established by international agreements or in countries where the official language is Turkish, the distance education program language in foreign higher education institutions is not Turkish.
b) The achievements of the distance education program are compatible with the achievements of the formal education program in the same field.
c) The total credits required for graduation of the distance education program is equal to or greater than the total of the credits of the equivalent formal education program in that country.
ç) (Repealed: OG-14/4/2020-31099)[2]
d) Obtaining the scores determined by the Board from the exams accepted by the Council of Higher Education in the language studied.
(2) When there is a suspicion about the inadequacy of the education received or its achievements as a result of the evaluation of the achievements of the program graduated through distance education and the achievements of the formal education program in the same field, the applicant is subject to the SYBS procedures within the framework of the procedures and principles to be determined by the Council of Higher Education.
(3) (Added: OG-14/4/2020-31099) (Amended: OG-9/4/2021-31449) Diplomas obtained through distance education are not equivalence in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, teaching, engineering, architecture and health programs with clinical applications determined by the Board. In programs other than these, in at least three of the world university rankings (Amended: RG-15/3/2024-32490) made by the ranking institutions determined by the Council of Higher Education in the year of starting higher education, diplomas obtained from universities in the first four hundred percentiles through distance education are equivalence without applying SYBS.
Other provisions relating to the procedures to be carried out in the equivalence examination
ARTICLE 11 – (1) (Amended sentence: OG-15/3/2024-32490) The form and content of the diploma/graduation equivalency certificate issued as a result of the equivalence procedures of diplomas/graduation certificates obtained from higher education institutions abroad are determined by the Council of Higher Education. (Additional sentence: OG-12/5/2023-32188) These documents are signed with a secure electronic signature and applicants must obtain their documents electronically with a verification code
(2) The applications of those who are found to be inauthentic and untrue, falsified or not belonging to the person concerned are rejected and a criminal complaint is filed with the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for legal action.
(3) One or more of the examination applications such as leveling, scientific identity determination (Repealed: OG-15/3/2024-32490), course/internship completion, practical training, clinical practice or project applications to be carried out within the scope of SYBS during the equivalence procedures are decided by the Commission directly or by taking the opinion of the Science Field Advisory Commission and/or the university.
Submission of documents
ARTICLE 12 – (1) (Amended: OG-15/3/2024-32490) When equivalence procedures are concluded;
a) The diploma/graduation certificate and transcript, which are the basis of the examination, are stamped "Seen".
b) In case of positive or negative results of the application, the diploma/graduation equivalency certificate is delivered to the applicant or the person who has the official power of attorney issued by the competent authorities, together with the originals of the documents attached to a cover letter, in return for signature.
c) In case of loss of diploma/graduation equivalency certificate, action is taken in accordance with the procedure determined by the Council of Higher Education.
(2) Certified copies and approved translation documents submitted to the Council of Higher Education during the application are not returned to the applicant and are kept in the file as the basis for examination.
(3) (Annex: OG-12/5/2023-32188) The provisions of the first and second paragraphs do not apply to applications where the document is signed with a secure electronic signature.
Miscellaneous Final Provisions
Elimination of doubts
ARTICLE 13 – (1) The Council of Higher Education is authorized to eliminate any doubts that may arise during the implementation of this Regulation.
ARTICLE 14 – (Amended: OG-30/7/2019-30847)
(1) Notifications to be made to applicants for recognition and equivalence shall be made by mail or electronically.
Repealed ordinance
ARTICLE 15 – (1) The Regulation on Recognition and Equivalence of Higher Education Diplomas Abroad published in the Official Gazette dated 20/2/2016 and numbered 29630 has been repealed.
ADDITIONAL ARTICLE 1 – (Added: OG-30/7/2019-30847)
(1) Pre-applications for equivalence are made online via e-government or the website of the Council of Higher Education.
(2) After checking the documents uploaded to the system during the pre-application for equivalence and the originals of the documents listed in Article 4 of the Regulation, the equivalence application is completed by printing the "seen" stamp on the documents. The originals of the document are returned to the applicant or his representative with an official power of attorney.
(3) Equivalence procedures are carried out through the Equivalence Automation System. In the preparation, scientific examination, Commission opinion and approval processes carried out during these processes, log records are taken as basis instead of wet signature or electronic signature.
Transitional provision
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1 – (1) In equivalence applications made before the date of entry into force of this Regulation, the provisions of the relevant legislation on the date of the application are applied, except for the procedural provisions. However, in cases in favor of the person, the provisions of this Regulation shall apply.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 2- (Added: OG-12/5/2023-32188)
(1) Prior to the effective date of this article, the rights ( Repealed: OG-15/3/2024-
32490) The documents of the candidates for whom the Commission decision has been taken regarding the issuance of the equivalence certificate and the issuance procedures have been started are physically poured and signed with a wet signature. However, from this date the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 11 shall apply to the following.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 3- (Added: OG-20/10/2023-32345)
(1) The provisions of subparagraph (ğ) of the first paragraph of Article 4, the fourth paragraph of the same article and subparagraph (f) of the sixth paragraph of Article 7 shall not apply to those who have applied for equivalence before the effective date of this article and whose procedures are ongoing.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 4- (Added: OG-15/3/2024-32490)
(1) For those who enrolled in the diploma program based on the application before the effective date of this article; The provisions of subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of Article 7, the fifth paragraph and the third paragraph of Article 10 before the amendments made by the Regulation establishing this article shall continue to apply.
(2) For those who enrolled in the diploma program based on the application before the effective date of this article; The provisions of subparagraph (j) of the first paragraph of Article 4 and subparagraphs (g) and (ğ) of the sixth paragraph of Article 7 shall not apply.
Effective Date
ARTICLE 16 – (1) This Regulation enters into force on the date of its publication.
Execution Authority
ARTICLE 17 – (1) The provisions of this Regulation are executed by the President of the Council of Higher Education.